360 Degree Feedback System Experts
With over one thousand customised 360 degree feedback system builds, 20 years' experience and a track record and client base second to none. We believe Lumus360 are the UK's leading provider of 360 feedback systems for organisational development professionals.
Regardless of whether you are seeking to use 360 feedback for developmental purposes or to link in with your performance appraisal process, we know our 360 degree assessment offer is the best in the marketplace. Our 360 appraisal system provides a holistic view of employee performance and working relationships.

With Lumus360, you get:
A free questionnaire design service
We understand the importance of making sure your 360 feedback questionnaire is 'fit for purpose' and will do everything we can to ensure it meets your organisation's needs. This could involve anything, from designing it from your verbal brief, to drafting a question set from your behavioural / competency frameworks, to providing access to our purpose built questionnaire design tool. Read more about our questionnaire design service.
A fully customisable User Experience (UX)
Our experience over the past 20 years has shown that customising our industry leading 360 degree feedback software platform to meet our clients’ preferred user journey, results in them staying with us for many years. We view the customisation of your 360 feedback tool as an investment of our time and therefore do not charge for it. In short, we'll tailor the user journey, online screens, automated email messages, branding etc to meet your specific needs and it won't cost you a penny! Read more about our fully customisable user experience.
Bespoke 360 degree feedback reports
Whilst we have a range of proven reporting formats to meet individual, teamwork and organisational needs, we are always happy to customise their look, layout and format to meet any specific requirements you may have. The personal feedback report provides valuable insights to drive professional development planning and self awareness. Again, this service is NOT charged for. Read more about our bespoke 360 degree feedback reports.
Implementation options to meet your needs
Once your 360 review software / platform has been built, piloted and signed off, there are a number of ways to manage its implementation, depending on the level of control and input you want. In outline, these are:
- We can provide a 'fully managed' service where a Lums360 account manager will co-ordinate the whole 360 feedback process on your behalf
- We can provide you with a 'self managed' service, giving you access to the administrator screens and you can have full control of everything
Amazing 360 feedback process support
Having the best 360 assessment tools doesn't guarantee amazing results. With Lumus360, we also guarantee:
- Outstanding customer focus – Always aiming to exceed our clients’ expectations
- Dedicated support - Around the clock, outstanding technical customer service and support
- Free Consultancy - The know-how to get 360 degree appraisal right and access to all the resources and supporting materials necessary for success. We can advise on feedback techniques and implementing a structured feedback process
- Supporting services - Our consultants can also provide first class coaching, facilitation and train the coach/line manager training sessions. We help you leverage 360 as a driver for change.
Our comprehensive evaluation system, including competency based questionnaires and multi-rater feedback, promotes communication, transparency, accountability and management competencies. It enables staff development reviews that boost personal effectiveness and self-leadership.

"Lumus360 supported us to convert our competency framework into 39 different role profiles/ 360 feedback questionnaires and then developed a multi-language 360 degree feedback system around them."
8 top tips for effectively implementing a 360 degree feedback system
Tip 1 - Ensure your 360 degree feedback initiative is clearly linked to a key business / organisational goal
Don't put in place a 360 feedback process simply because it’s 'best practice' / many organizations are doing it. Instead, link it directly to a key organisational need / driver/ benefit - Things like:
- using it as a developmental tool to support professional development, enabling middle and senior managers to take their performance or career development to the next level
- changing the management culture / embedding expected leadership, organisational behaviours, values etc.
- feeding into a performance appraisal process or to support performance reviews
Tip 2 - Get the senior team to lead from the top
Regardless of whether your 360 degree feedback process is being aligned to a developmental agenda or to performance appraisals, getting the senior leadership team to pilot the process and demonstrate its value is a great way to demonstrate ownership and build a cohort of sponsors/ advocates.
Tip 3 - Make sure everyone is engaged and understands 'why' the 360 is being conducted
Most people have their own interpretation of what 360 feedback is / is not, with many assuming a negative reason lies behind its implementation (which is rarely the case). Communicating the reasons behind its use to all key stakeholders, in a way that motivates and engages people is easily done and a key ingredient to its successful use.
Tip 4 - Use a 360 feedback questionnaire that has been purposely designed for you
Every organisation we have ever worked with has been unique, each having its own culture, aspirations, challenges, values, people etc. For a 360 degree feedback questionnaire to work it has to be ‘fit for purpose’ i.e. it needs to clearly define the organisation’s expectations of its managers / leaders now and in the future. Generic 360 questionnaires don't work.
Tip 5 - Help respondents to give good balanced feedback
Providing balanced 360 feedback that captures the participant’s strengths and any developmental / negative feedback that is received in a way that enhances team development and employee performance, requires a level of skill and feedback maturity. Your 360 feedback system should support and enhance this.
Tip 6 - Support participants to make the most of their 360 feedback reports
Without some form of coaching support, the majority of participants don’t have the knowledge, skills and ‘feedback maturity’ to successfully convert their reports into meaningful development plans.
Tip 7 - Put a process in place to support participants to follow through on their development goals
Without having all / most of the following in place, it’s likely that no significant benefits will ever be seen from a 360 feedback programme:
- the use of a post-360 development plan
- involving line managers in monitoring improvement progress
- encouraging participants to thank their feedback providers (especially direct reports) and share their personal development goals with them
- insisting that participants make personal development commitments to their line manager and team
- hard measures – such as scheduling a repeat of the 360 process further down the line
Tip 8 - Use the 360 feedback review process to build individual and organizational ‘feedback maturity’
One of the aims for any 360 degree feedback initiative should be to use it, to help grow the level of feedback maturity within the organisation. If you are implementing your 360 feedback process in an organisation with a low level of feedback maturity, you should consider:
- Giving participants full control over who the feedback providers are
- Letting participants own their report and who sees it
- Allowing peers, direct reports, staff members, employees etc the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback
- Communicating to respondents how to provide well balanced constructive feedback
- Supporting participants to develop the skill of converting feedback (including negative feedback) into a focused action plan
- using the process as a development tool i.e only to support personal / career development, teamwork etc and not linking it to performance reviews