Learn about how we’ll customise (at no cost) our leading 360 feedback platform and then let you implement the process in the way that suits you best

Workshop – Making the Most of Your Feedback Report

This comprehensive package is ideal for organisations that recognise the need to support participants to maximise the value of their feedback reports but may not have the resources to provide one-on-one external coaching.

Led by a skilled 360 feedback facilitator, this solution is designed for groups of up to 12 participants and is built around the following flow:

  • All participants attend a 2-hour workshop designed to enhance their feedback maturity and provide the information needed to interpret their own 360 feedback report, draw meaningful conclusions, and create actionable development steps
  • At the end of the workshop, 360 feedback reports (in a workbook format) are distributed, and participants are given time (normally overnight) to review and work through them.
  • There is also an opportunity for participants to meet with their 360-feedback facilitator to discuss any specific feedback points or interpretations if needed.
360 degree feedback training
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The key parts are:

  • 2-hour workshop:
    This session supports participants to:
    • Develop a mature, constructive mindset toward receiving feedback – By avoiding behaviours such as … Becoming defensive; Focusing solely on negative aspects: Taking feedback personally: Blaming or discrediting the feedback message or messenger.
    • Know how to interpret their 360 feedback report to identify strengths and development opportunities – Understanding how to make sense of the numbers: What do they mean? How to draw out the key insights in each section of the report; How do you identify the main feedback messages and themes, and draw appropriate, balanced conclusions?
    • Gain the knowledge needed to create a pragmatic personal development plan – How to develop specific development goals and a realistic implementation/follow-through plan.
  • Optional follow-up call:
    Participants have the opportunity to schedule a 30-minute one-on-one call with their 360 facilitator to discuss any specific areas of their report or feedback in greater detail.


The complete package is as follows:

  • Workshop and optional follow up call. This includes design, workshop delivery, materials, and follow-up support = £850 + VAT
  • 360 Workbook reports = £95 + VAT per report (on a sliding scale)

What's next?

Whether you want more information, a fully costed a proposal, or just need some advice, we're happy to help.